Oct - 2024

Road to Rwanda---Tying up Threads

 So many threads to try to give updates on: The Rwanda church continues to deal with extensive closings.  Although there are some buildings still available for worship, there is a significant number which are not opened, and very little projection that they will open again soon.  The Church, as a body of believers, continues to follow Jesus. Paul's mother-in-law continues in the rehabilitation facility, dealing with the aftermath of her Father's Day accident.  She asks for prayer as the pain meds are less effective. It is still unclear as to what future interventions will be needed.  She perseveres in Jesus. Paul's father-in-law's appentectomy is postponed to an indefinite date. The trees cut down in the forest beside our school is complete, but there has been no movement to implement the planned big vehicle parking area.  The State Department is evidently investigating and that is good.   Mpox (monkeypox) does not necessarily seem to be spreading, but we contineu with


Sep - 2024

Road to Rwanda---Grandbabies

 We deeply love and are so very proud of all five of our grandkids.  They are each unique kids with so many gifts.....just as their parents and aunties (our 4 children) are. Because we live the life that we do, our time with them is limited, but we do see them for an intense week or more at least once a year, when we live in their houses.  None of them have ever been to our house, unless you count our RV's. I soothe myself with the knowledge that there are grandparents who don't get even as much time as we do with their grandkids.  The Lord's words promise us that there will be rewards that we don't understand for the time we have sacrificed away from family. Not to single out one grandbaby, but Sophie's mommy posted this on FB, and I decided I wanted to share it. THIS is what being a missionary is all about:  As a Christian mom raising teenagers... I just want to share how proud I am of Sophie being a light to her classroom. She has connected with the girls in her


Sep - 2024

Road to Rwanda---Church, Mpox, Forests

  So many things to pray about. The church situation here has not been resolved.   On the one hand, people are being encouraged/forced to speak directly to and learn from our Father, rather than having a “go between” that many are too dependent on.   But there are pastors who are suffering financially, but also because their God imbued mandate to preach, and shepherd is being stifled.   There are also congregants who really are lost without the guidance provided by the weekly church meetings. There are only 4 known cases of mpox (formerly monkeypox) in Rwanda, but not so in neighboring countries.   Rwanda’s government is very proactive.   Last Monday a health official visited VVA and told us that handwashing, such as was directed during covid, was being re-implemented.   I was impressed how the students so very joyfully (and I mean joyfully) complied with handwashing dictates.   My older students smiled and said, “I would sure rather do this than go into lock down.”   They remember


Aug - 2024

Road to Rwanda---Church

 It is a strange time here in Rwanda.  The government has published dictates that demands churches are open only if they provide for the safety of their participants.  Sufficient parking spaces, bathrooms, fire precautions, etc.  It has also stated that only verifiable, educated pastors can lead churches.  This has resulted in most services being suspended.  At least for a while. Rwanda is a "churched" nation.  The people are definitely used to attending meeting on Saturday or Sunday, depending on their denominational association.  There is much consternation.  Some feel that ultimately this may result in a positive outcome.  The people who currently feel teaching can only come from a pastor and in church may be forced to realize their own priesthood and study the Bible individually themselves.  Only God knows why and the final outcome from this current situation.  I know many who are feeling that prayer is the answer.  Please pray.


Aug - 2024

Road to Rwanda----Cultural Map

  Our before school  trip to a beautiful island. During session on this trip we revisted a cultural map.  When we look at different cultures how do they fit along the continumm of categories such as communication, leadership, decision making, time, etc.? This is of vital importance if we want to build a strong team.   But the Lord has also been talking to me about how important it is for our students to understand these complexities.  VVA is an American Christian school.  Our vision statement says:  “Developing obedient disciples of Jesus who transform Rwanda and the world through academic excellence, growth in the character of Christ, and service to others.” We feel the mandate to train these students so that they can relate to and understand the international community in a Christian manner.  In essence we are asking these students to be "third culture kids", a term we often use for missionary children. This is not always (or even usually) comfortable. Last spring I began t


Aug - 2024

Road to Rwanda---New School Year

 So,here we are back in Rwanda ready to begin year 3.  Very much looking forward to seeing the kids on August 21,but first we have a week of orientation, which is always good. I have had a few students write me this summer. That is nice. The former grade 9 students asked that I bring back a package of cookies (or biscuits as they are called here) for them to share as a class. I have 5 packages of chocolate chip cookies for grades 6-10.  They will enjoy them so much, and it takes so little to please.  I am also anxious to meet the new teacher,   arriving tonight who will share my high school teaching load. I have been praying for 2 years for a teacher who can handle the AP (Advanced Placement) classes these kids deserve, and here she is. God answers.  We bought meat to bring from Kigali the 2 and a half hours to Musaze last night as we arrived. Usually it is very good, but I am deeply disappointed in the beef. They did not have any hamburger, so I got some beef cubes. I put it throug