Showing posts from April, 2022


Apr - 2022

Road to .....Rwanda

I am lying on the couch at 4 a.m. listening to the call to prayer during the season of Ramadan.  There is great need in our world today.  I just opened my  email, and......  Yes, we have just accepted a post to Virunga Valley Academy in Musanze, Rwanda.  It is the city closest to where the great gorillas live.  (That sounds interesting.)  A website telling about the school: Although we casually talked to two other schools in the past month, this was the second chocie when we came to Papua, Indonesia in Jan. 2021, so it was an easy decision on our part.  We had even interviewed with them all ready.  It is a small school for Rwandan nationals with a few M.K.'s and other expats thrown in.  They have been building the school, adding a new grade every year.  I will have middle school language arts. Rick's class/classes are to be determined.  The high school is all online with a school in PA rig...