Mar - 2019
Rick had a fight with his bike, and the bike won. For unknown reasons, yesterday the tires locked up going over a speed bump and stopped the bike, but not Rick. He landed hard. There was lots of blood and people were insisting on him going to the ER, but he refused and walked the half mile home. (I have no idea what people around him were thinking seeing him trudge home with blood flowing down his face.) He did not know how bad it looked, until I had him look in the mirror. He did not want to go to the ER, but finally agreed. Our team leaders went with us and we started at the PKU hospital, them walking and me riding my bike. The doctor there, said she could not handle it and we needed to go to a neighboring, larger hospital. We went out to flag down a taxi but were not very successful. It was rush hour. I had just bought a new phone so did not have the Didi (Uber) app yet. I just grabbed a group of students walking by and asked them to phone for a taxi. (They even paid for it....