When Your Internet Is Blocked

Written on May 4, 2019

Woke up and my VPN was blocked. !!! This may mean nothing to most of you, but to those of us living in areas where much of the internet is not available unless we have a VPN this is gasp worthy. Without this bypass of firewalls I cannot access most email, facebook, youtube, browsers.  Our particular country has blocked google. Think about that for a minute. I can usually access my yahoo account without the VPN, but that is about it, and not completely reliable. Our internet is a lifeline for many of us. (A connection which has only been available the last few years of my overseas sojourn, and one which is a game changer for many of us maintaining ourselves here. My family calls me daily on FB. My emails provide relationships, but also any business connection I need to do, etc. etc.) Soooo, to get my VPN reconnected, I was able to press the button on the icon which said to press if I needed help. It did open on the limited internet available here. Good. I found the listing of my ID and password in my stashed listings. Good. They worked. However, then I needed to verify it with a code…..which was sent to a US phone number or a google email. I was in the States when I purchased the VPN, and did not realize what I was attaching to the purchase. There was no way I could access my US phone number. (Did you know that we need to maintain 2 numbers and often two phones, one in the US and one here? Think of those hassles. Phones here even have more digits in their numbers, which means I cannot list them indiscriminately when asked for phone numbers.) But maybe I can access my gmail??? I finally woke Rick up to get into his laptop in case his VPN was available and I could open the gmail. He did have VPN and I was able to access it and complete the process, after further applications since I was too slow to get the code. Do you understand why we need so many pryers just to make it through a regular day?
