Showing posts from September, 2021


Sep - 2021

Road to Indonesia---Scarlet Letter

 Teaching Scarlet Letter.   I guess I might be assuming too much.  On about the third or fourth day of class, after much discussion even, the students were looking rather blank. I said, "You know that red emblem on her chest." A boy blurted out, "Nipple!"  The class wentRo downhill from there.


Sep - 2021

Road to Indonesia---Gospel II

 This Sunday in church there was an update on the Pulu tribe that was mentioned in my blog titled "Gospel".  A team had gone into the tribe in the midst of tribal warfare. Some of the people had come from 4 to 6 hours to live in the village as the team storied 6 days a week, telling them the Story from Genesis to Christ.  When the team members finally got to the Gospel message a few weeks ago, 73 people accepted Jesus.  What a wonderful answer to prayers.  We have completed a week of face to face classes.  No one has gotten sick. What a tremendous answer to prayer.  I cannot tell you how incredibly fulfilling this work is: to work daily to mentor these kids.  Yes, I am very, very busy, but the plusses greatly outweigh the hours of work and tiredness.  We also are fully back into our online classes for Peking University.  That adds another whole pile of essays.  Please pray for wisdom and strength. Our money from the bank in China al...


Sep - 2021

Road to Indonesia---Beach Trip

 Hillcrest International School (HIS) has many long standing and important traditions. One of the fun ones is a two night beach trip early in the fall of every school year for the entire high school.  Because of covid no trip transpired last year and the trip this year was only one day.  Last Friday was our Beach Day.  Rick and I went. Just more as warm bodies than anything else.  I had only been at the beach once since coming to Indonesia, although it is an island and surrounded by the Pacific Ocean.  The kids, most of whom grew up here,  obviously were completely at home and in love with the water.  It was only a matter of minutes after we arrived that everyone was out in the waves.  The beach is darker sand and there were intricate lacy patterns built by small sand balls all over it.  I guess a certain type of crab builds tunnels and rolls these little balls of sand out of their holes and somehow place them in these remarkable pattern...