Memories--from 2017

Written on Mar 16, 2024

 Finished our laundry for the first time in China (2017-2019). In Panama (2010-2016)I had to go to the back of building OUTSIDE to do my laundry. Here I have a machine right in my itty bitty kitchen....with only HOT running water??? After one is done washing, then you go out onto the balcony and hang your clothes on hangers to let them dry. This is different from Taipei (1988-1995). There we had bamboo poles levitating 4 stories up at our apartment. You strung your clothes on these poles. Until I learned how to "string" rather than just flop the clothes over the poles, I kept losing my underwear to the balcony below. I then had to go down to the apartment below with a corresponding piece of underwear and mime asking for it back. Maybe I can at least say the words now.
