Showing posts from February, 2019


Feb - 2019

What Did You Do Today?

So what did my day include? I got up at 6. I had time so that I could have slept much later and it would have been fine, but I am still jet lagging a wee bit and one of the last pieces to go is early morning rising. I had devotions from John 2. When Mary told the servants to do “whatever Jesus tells you,” what did she expect to happen? How did she possibly think Jesus was going to solve the lack of wine? Had he provided food from thin air in their family home before? But the Scriptures specifically says this was his first miracle. The point for me was not to solve the problem for God, but to simply give it to Him and see what he does with it. I needed that word in regard to my hip right now. I did my hip stretching exercises. I can do phase 2 fairly easily, but it hurts to stand on the bad leg to stretch the good leg. Is that suppose to be the case? I thought it was when I stretch the bad leg that I should feel pain? I had finished checking the essays from classes yesterday, ...


Feb - 2019

Six Weeks Post Surgery

Went to the doctor today for my 6 weeks check up post surgery. Always an adventure, but a dr. friend who assumes responsibility for many of us foreigners took me and thus easy access to specialists, etc. I speak my limited Chinese to her and she uses a translation device to answer me. It took about 45 minutes and that includes waiting for the xrays to be processed. It took more time to drive to the hospital than to actually be in the hospital. Although I could not understand the discussion about my hip (I will try to get a translation of the video my dr. friend took of the specialist waxing eloquent about my xray), the final opinion is that I am doing fine. They were astounded at how well I was walking around, and how much I am doing. They said I should be mostly in bed for 3 months. However, this is not what I was given to understand in the US and have been pretty discouraged about my continued pain and dependency on a walker, crutch, and cane. I can walk without pain with my wa...


Feb - 2019

We're Back....

A fine trip back to China. I had wanted to pray towards upgrade to business class so we could lie down, but never had the faith to do that. But didn’t need business class. The plane from Detroit to Amsterdam was only about ¼ full and we each had rows of four seats to stretch out in. Wonderful and we slept most of the way. Not so from Amsterdam to China, but we were not very tired after sleeping through 12 hours in Amsterdam in a lovely handicapped lounge. Wheelchair is definitely the way to go. Well cared for. We arrived in China at 10 a.m. and by 10:45 were through customs and in a taxi. Wheelchairs put you to the head of every line. Arrived home to a very cold apartment. It is well below freezing outside and we had turned the heater off for our 5 weeks at home. Slow to warm up. Soooo we got on our bikes and went for pizza with team mates. That is the best news: I can ride the bike with no problem! I was very worried my new hip would not do well with the biking motion, but no pain. ...


Feb - 2019

An Angel Named Sam

We had our bags packed and in the van when we went for my two week post hip surgery appointment. There was work to do in FL involving my parents’ home. I drove to FL. And then was absolutely overwhelmed when we walked into the garage. It was filled chest high with things, with hardly any walkway through it. My folks have been gone for 11 years but friends have been renting and we could leave their things there. But now it is time to rent/sell the house and I need to work on this. Soooooo, I am still very handicapped moving only with a walker. Rick is very able-bodied but   still limited in what one man can do. And then God sends an angel named Sam. Our youngest daughter, Peace, is in a supported living situation in FL. Her caregiver is a lovely woman, and her fiancé just arrived from Ghana.   A generation ago Sam’s father in Ghana was told by the Lord that he should move to the US. But his wife and children dissuaded him. Afterall there were financial considerations...