How Do We Share??

Written on Apr 14, 2019

This week we will be sharing about Easter. We regularly share holidays. They are a good cultural addition to our class. Last semester and this semester we have shared about Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day, April Fools Day, and now Easter. However, this one needs a few prys. I hesitate and don’t know how to share too much here. Things are tense. Although we are not necessarily directly effected, one never knows when. Another member of our team is definitely being perused regularly and it is disconcerting and uncomfortable. Certainly we have considered not sharing this holiday at all, but we will try it. How do we do this honestly and yet stay within the confines being dictated to us? We are working on it and need divine help.

We also just received our paperwork for applications to the government to return here next year. This is a long long involved process, even though we have received the initial visa which was even longer and more difficult. The university assures us that they really want us, but the government might feel differently. We are way way over the age limit. And my limping recovery (pun intended) from my hip replacement definitely makes health an issue. (I can do my job, and know that I personally am better off here where I HAVE to ride my bike, use stairs daily, walk lots and lots, and eat better food than in the US where I would have to find opportunities to do these things.) So we need pryers to get the application through the government. Our university has a great deal of pull and since we have the highest level of clearance, we are told it should be no problem, but it still is nerve wracking.
