Written on Sep 14, 2019
We attend an international church here. It is legal if we only let people having foreign passports attend. (Which is strange and rubs a little against the grain to restrict church attendance by checking your passport as you come in. Oh well.) However, in May the church was told that they would have to leave the venue in a large hotel banquet hall which they have used for several years. This venue was allowed a few years ago because it has cameras, etc., that keep things from becoming secretive. Important within this context. The church has searched since May for a new location and have been completely unsuccessful. We have to vacate the end of September. Last Sunday we were told perhaps we would be utilizing a house meeting model for a while, if we cannot find anywhere else. Our regular attendance is 700-1000 people every Sunday! We need real intervention. Please remember us.
We also need pryers for our continued laptop difficulties. We went back and forth to the computer repair man 7 times and still have such limited access that it is unusable. The internet does not have full use, Word, Excel, etc. is in Chinese, and we cannot seem to remediate the problems. We are using one very old, slow laptop between the two of us, which is difficult as we set up this semester’s database and grade books. Not horrible, (we at least have one laptop available) but aggravating.
Our school fall semester has started. It is so very good to be back in the classroom. We do enjoy it. We also just had Moon Festival last night with two of our dear friends from our study group. What a privilege to be with these people. We studied the Prodigal Son, and ate chocolate chip cookies (much better than traditional mooncakes which often involve whole egg yolks and mashed sweet kidney beans in pastry shells).
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