Road to Indonesia---OE
A week into their stay at the remote village the students seems to be doing fine on their outdoor education (OE) experience. There are no phones or other outside communication for the students during this two weeks. (Can you imagine teenagers agreeing to that?) But every day one of the six teams writes notes home to their parents. These notes are posted in social media for all of us to see. Most are reassurance to their parents that they fine. Some are funny. Some talk about dealing with homesickness. Many talk about the cold compared with Sentani. Many also praise the good food....I don't know, most mission trips I have been on, good food was not part of the experience. These leaders and organizers care very deeply about making this a wonderful time for the kids.
One leader, a father of former students who has gone on many previous OE's, wrote that because of recovery from recent covid, he will not be able to go on the rigorous hike and two day stay in an even more remote village. You could sense his regret as he wrote for the parents to read. The teams are all paired with another group, and the leaders of the "sister" team will just assume leadership and the kids will be fine. It speaks to how difficult these hikes are. I know prayers are what sustains the students. On Friday we could send notes of encouragement. I sent a note addressed to the members of each team, teasing them about how much work I am thinking up for them to do when they return....and assuring them of my prayers.
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