Road to Indonesia--OE (Outdoor Education)

Written on Feb 28, 2022

 This morning 63 of our high school students and staff flew out of Sentani airport on MAF planes to a remote village in the highlands of Papua.  ALL tested negative for covid, which is quite a MIRACLE considering our surrounds.  There are only 3 students who, for various reasons, could not go.  I am kind of helping coordinate the work for these students who stayed back partially because I am the only full time hs teacher left behind.

The OE trip is a working trip with HS anthropology credit attached to it.  Besides doing their Vacation Bible School, A.I.D.S. education, and extending airstrip work, the students also have assignments to interview villagers about their histories, belief systems, and learning some basic words in the language. When the students return they have to turn in a photo journal, a daily diary, and finally an 8 page research paper.  Rick and I will grade the research paper which is due right before Easter break. This is an intensive work time, but it is also an intense team building and spiritual growth opportunity.  

The highland region where they are going is about 2000 meters above sealevel, so even though we are at about 3 degrees south latitude, this means it is cold and quite rainy. Sentani, where our school is, is very hot and humid. The students hardly even have appropriate clothing to take to this environment.  It will be a great adjustment for them.  They also need sturdy clothes as they will be hiking for miles over the mountains to even more remote villages.

We are sending in the food for the trip.  The organization of this for a two week stay is qutie extensive, but the leaders have experience. The leader of the trip is a 73 year old AP English teacher who has been involved for close to 30 years.  But to feed this many teenagers takes time, energy, and organization.  I made 3 loaves of pumpkin bread to send. Most of us make cookies, breads, sweet rolls, etc. as a small contribution.  

Please pray for the people the students will interact with, pray for the leaders, and pray for our dear students. 
