Road to Rwanda---Grandbabies

Written on Sep 14, 2024

 We deeply love and are so very proud of all five of our grandkids.  They are each unique kids with so many gifts.....just as their parents and aunties (our 4 children) are. Because we live the life that we do, our time with them is limited, but we do see them for an intense week or more at least once a year, when we live in their houses.  None of them have ever been to our house, unless you count our RV's. I soothe myself with the knowledge that there are grandparents who don't get even as much time as we do with their grandkids.  The Lord's words promise us that there will be rewards that we don't understand for the time we have sacrificed away from family.

Not to single out one grandbaby, but Sophie's mommy posted this on FB, and I decided I wanted to share it. THIS is what being a missionary is all about: 

As a Christian mom raising teenagers... I just want to share how proud I am of Sophie being a light to her classroom. She has connected with the girls in her shop class at school, and last year they began to comment about how different she is than everyone else. She's happy, peaceful, doesn't participate in the gossip and is always looking out for the needs of others. She told them it's because she is a Christian that she has this peace. So, the girls began asking her SO many questions about God and the Bible.
A few weeks ago, one of her friends texted her and told her she was going to get a Bible and asked her which translation she should get. And, today she told Sophie that she has already gone through the book of John!! It makes me so happy to know that in this dark and chaotic world, that Sophie is a light to those she's around. I'm glad the girls respect her and rather than attack, they ask questions to understand her beliefs.

We are in crazy dark times, and people are searching for peace. If you're a Christian, don't try to act like the world. Be steadfast in hope and love, and just be a light to those around. 
