Packing/Unpacking/Moving in a Day

Written on Aug 30, 2018

How fast can you empty your apartment? How long does it take to organize the new apartment? Our organization is shrinking in size. We have moved from 4 apartments down to 3 apartments last semester. This semester we needed to downsize to 2 apartments. The apartment next to us has a balcony/patio which ours does not. It is not a matter of esthetics but rather that patios are used as storage, which is at a premium in Asian apartments. Therefore, we were told at 3 on Tuesday that we had permission to move next door. By 4 we started and with the help of 7 people had our apartment empty by 4:45!  When I had planned this move which we were vaguely aware of for a little while, I envisioned picking up something in my apartment, walking across the hall and putting it away immediately in the new location. …..This is not what happened. We had to be out of one apartment and signed out of that apartment and into the new apartment before night. We could not have 2 apartments in our name overnight. Government regulations on some level, etc. Therefore, 45 minutes to gut one apartment and scatter to the wind in the other apartment. We have really very few material possessions ourselves, but the organization provides furnished apartments and there has 15 years or more to accumulate things in these apartments. Therefore, I started at 2 a.m. yesterday (jet lag) and worked until 6 p.m. last night vetting and organizing the new apartment. Long day with a bad hip, but we were able to pretty well finish. PTL.
