After about 6 weeks without very available internet it is finally turned back on. Although it was very difficult at first, having to get up in the middle of the night to find availalbe time slots, walking the 1/3 or so mile to school every time I wanted to use internet, and finding one of about 4 computers that were connected to the ASAT line, it did become routine after while. Our lives definitely changed without internet being instantly available in our home. Of particular difficulty, of course, was keeping up with our online Peking University courses, but ultimately we were able to conquor that mountain and keep up. We missed times of being easily able to communicate with family probably the most. Paying our credit cards and keeping track of finances was also confusing. Now, as we are ready to fly out to the US in 3 days, we finally are back online. God, as always, made a way for us to continue. We will remember this time of inconvenience in the same vein as getting used to covid restrictions, etc. It is just life.....but we sure are happy that we are no longer needing to struggle with this aspect.
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