
Written on Jun 12, 2021

 We left our apartment at 7 this morning and it is now 14 hours later and we have only taken the first leg of our 4 stops.  It is a long, hot layover in Jakarta from Sentani.  Indonesia is as wide as the US, but it is mostly water. It means that our first leg is kind of like flying from the East Coast of the US to the West Coast. That is just the first short piece. It took close to 5 hours. And then an 8 hour layover. Now we will soon board the plane to go to Japan, a 7 hour trip with a 3 hour layover. After that it is a 12 hour trip to Houston with a 3 or so hour layover and then on to SC where Peter will meet us. We will be about 40+ hours from the time we leave our apartment until we are done.  It would be easier if it were not so hot, with very cold airplanes in between. For the first time in 6 months I put on blue jeans, socks, and regular shoes.  By the time I was in the airport half an hour later I was dripping sweat, but was cold on the airplane.  In Jarkarta for the long lay over I could not stand it and switched back to sandals and a dress while I still had our suticases with us.  Now I wonder how cold I am going to be on the plane, but I did keep some choices in my backpack.  God is always good and the time just slips by and so far, except for the heat, there has been no problem....unusual for us.  Of course covid testing makes it even a bit more chaotic. We took an antigen test yesterday and we hope it will still be valid by the time we hit the States. By the time we are on the last plane, usually we are just getting to our seats and falling to sleep immediately.  I am writing all this so you have a feel for how international travel is.  If one had another way to get to where we work without all this hassle, I am sure we would take it, but that is not possible. Please pray for the rest of our trip.
