Road to Indonesia---Gospel

Written on Aug 9, 2021

 Some prayer requests from the translators in church yesterday:  The Dem tribe which had come enmasse to acceptance of Christ a few months ago, just suffered the death of two 11 year old boys.  I assume they died of covid.  The missionaries reported that the parents, who had recently become Christians, are  staying strong.  But of course there are all the questions that come with deaths at any time, and within the culture their beliefs about what causes death reflect on their recent conversions.  \

Another missionary reported that the Pulu tribe is in the middle of intertribal war and political unrest.  A three person team flew in a few months ago to begin Bible storying, which will lead to the presentation of the claims of the gospel.  There are about 130 people who are attending the storying 6 days a week. Some have walked 4 hours to be able to attend.  There is a month or more of meetings left.  The missioanries were asking for prayer for the tribe. What exciting things God is doing!!

We start school on Wednesday.  We have to do hybrid teaching until the emergency lock down is lifted. Although lock down might be canceled on Friday, we are playing it safe and have planned on doing hybrid until the end of August. Then the hope is that we can transition to full time face-to-face school.  Please pray towards that end. Rick is teaching Psychology and Business Math.  I am teaching 9,10, 11-12 English and two sections of Modern World History.  It is a heavy load and will be heavier after Peking University begins in September.  Certainly there is a great deal of covid here, but also more and more are being vaccinated.  Please pray for the entire very complicated situation. 
