Road to Rwanda---- Help me for my first day of school

Written on Aug 17, 2022

 I have a power point put together to introduce myself to the middle school students for my first day.  But there are class rules here and I would like to cover them in a fun way.  I do not have much time, and some of you have asked about ways you could help.  Can you search meme's and send to me that illustrate the following rules:  (You know "meme"-----those sayings, words, pictures or short clips that add zest to a statement. We appreciate them so so much on FB.) Even if you find one meme for one rule it would help me out. 

Rule 1: Respond to adults with "Yes, Ma'am" or "No, Sir".

Rule 2: Make eye contact when someone is speaking.

Rule 3: Congratulate the winner when someone does something well.

Rule 4? I f you win do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger.

Rule t5: Respect other students' comments, opinions, and ideas.

Rule 6: Always say thank you when given something and please when asking for something.

Rule 7: When you receive something, do not insult the gift of the giver.

Rule 8: Do not ask for a reward.

Rule 9: Transition to and between classes will be swift, quiet, and orderly.

Rule 10” When homework is assigned do not moan or complain.

Rule 11: Keep your self and the bathrooms clean and germ-free.

Rule 12: Do not save seats in the lunchroom or class,

 Rule 13: Never cut in line.

Rule 14: Greet visitors and make them feel welcome.

Rule 15: When meeting new people, shake hands and repeat their name.

Rule 16: If anyone is being bullied let a teacher or an administrator know.

Rule 17: No running.


Please send them via an email to  That will be the easiest way for me to copy and paste them into a ppt.  I need them by Friday to make my power point. Thanks so much for the help, hopefully you can get some fun out of doing this.

