Road to Rwanda---Saturday morning walk....and Ebola?

Written on Oct 1, 2022

 My computer cord was left at school yesterday after the movie night in the gym (Zootopia).  So I was up at 4 to make food for company at supper tonight, (I was up because I just can not seem to sleep in....but I can nap again after awhile.) and then at 6, I walked to school to get my computer cord.  I am so thankful to be able to walk like this. I have not walked these distances since leaving Panama in 2017. As always, the mile to school and the mile back was interesting.  It is Saturday morning, but being so early I could only hear one Seventh Day Adventist service.  Later in the morning, you can hear many congregations as you walk.  I also encountered two groups of 50+ people running in cadence to militaristic chants.  I felt a little uncomfortable with this.  In some places I have lived you stay away from this type of groups. I was also the only foreigner I saw on my whole trip to and from school (not that I ever see foreigners on this trip.) But I asked a passerby what the groups were, and he said, "Sporting events."  I guess nothing to worry about. 

In the last few days I have also encountered beside the road a huge section of a tree trunk, over 2 feet in diameter.  At least it looks like a tree trunk, but when I stopped and looked at it, it has no rings like a tree would.  It looks more like fibers or something.  I am sure it is a piece from a cut down palm tree.  I had no idea that they really are not trees, but rather plants! At least that is what the inside of it looks like.  So huge, and so foreign. (The first time I saw it some young boys were trying to stand on it and "walk" it, fun.)

A completely different topic is the Ebola outbreak in Uganda. The border of Uganda is about 30 miles west of us.  The part that is affected seems to be a long ways from us, however.  Will borders be closed?  Are quarantines close to the border going to be implemented? Completely different animal than covid, but the whole topic seems different post-covid.

