
Written on Mar 24, 2018

Why has the heat been turned off in my apartment?

Why are there a microphone and cameras in my classroom?

And what does this have to do with Easter.

As Westerners we are very used to our independent decisions. We consider many of these as almost inalienable rights. Well, not so in much of the rest of the world. Here, where I live, the powers-that-be decide things like whether the heater in my apartment is going to have heat or not. Even when it is turned on, from sometime in November to sometime in March, I can turn it on or off, but cannot adjust the thermostat. ….Just if it gets too hot inside, we turn it off, and vice versa. The same with the A/C.  One can either fret about this, or just get on with life. The heat is to be turned off today. It is 40 and 50 degrees outside which is glorious after the snow of last weekend, but could be really cold if it translates to inside my apartment. Remember us.

In my university classroom there is also a microphone and 2 cameras which are turned on. (I can hear the feedback from the microphone.) Again, I can either be intimidated by this, or even offended, or just get on with life. I have nothing to hide and thus, even if my apartment at times is suspect, I don’t usually think about this part of living here. However, this is Holy Week; Easter is coming. In my classes I will present The Story, the secular and religious aspects. This is a major Western holiday and so it is completely OK to discuss it in class, even expected. Rick and I have looked at power points available to us on the topic. One is quite explicit and lengthy with verses, etc. The other is lighter with only John 3:16 included. After reading my devotions this morning, “Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves”, I have decided to use the less explicit ppt.  I feel fairly confident that this is the right decision in this time and place. It is up to our Father to bring the increase, not me. Truly, it might not matter much what I say; He is able. Remember our classes this week.
