Mashed Potatoes with Chopsticks

Written on Apr 16, 2018

This showed up on my Face Book feed this morning. Easter was on this date a year ago. It is a good reminder about the differences for Easter this year. Now we are part of a church fellowship that is many, many hundred’s strong, rather than 8 of us meeting to worship, etc. I do miss our friendships there.

Last year on this date in Taian, China: “Fireworks for Easter...well why not? Was up at 5:30 and could have watched the Easter sunrise, but (1) I am in a third floor apartment surrounded by 4 and 5 story buildings, and (2) I don't know which way is East. Had a nice fellowship time with 8 expats for Easter service. And then a potluck meal. It was to be sandwiches and salads. Well any of you who know Rick know this is not going to cut it, so he brought a can of spam to share. Someone else had said they were going to bring mashed potatoes. I woke in the night with the thought that you can't eat mashed potatoes with chopsticks, which is pretty much what all of us have for "silverware." But guess what, if the potatoes are thick enough, you really can! Blessed Easter time.”


  1. I wonder how Easter will be celebrated in the sweet bye and bye!

  2. Can you just imagine that. Have not thought about Easter in heaven. Maybe Good Friday will be different than we Protestant think as well.


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