The Answer: Poor in Spirit, book excerpt
Written on Apr 19, 2018
The Answer
But then Paul gives us the answer: “Thanks be to God, who
delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25) We are not struggling
alone, and cannot struggle alone. Yes, our job is to “struggle”, to stand
against these propensities, but maybe our job is also to “accept” our
inabilities: to be “poor in spirit”. And
Jesus stands with us through it. Sometimes He delivers us out of the
difficulty, but just as often He stands with us as we go right through the
middle of it.
This beatitude deals with giving up. It’s the picture of a
beggar reaching out his hands for help. The difference in making this beatitude
work is not do we give up but how we give up. There is the wrong way, leading
to more dysfunctional behavior such as working harder, alcohol, drugs, or just
shifting focus to a different but just as addictive activity. This ultimately
is just another illusion of a meaningful lifestyle that keeps you going until
you once again feel that hollowness deep within.
Then there is the right way: giving ourselves over to that
Something, that Someone, that is greater than life itself. Connecting with this
One enters into a continuously deepening relationship of what I am as a human being
rather than trying to find meaning in your human doing. This is not only true
theologically, it is also true psychologically.
“For theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” so the verse ends.
There are riches, emotionally, relationally, spiritually that lie within. But
it is from the position of the beggar that the gate to these riches is opened.
Enter through that gate to the deeper, richer, more fulfilling life.
“For theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
Back to Matthew 5:3 [rephrase]
Because they are
beggars, they reach out to God
To be the center
of their life; [God-Jesus is my life]
The source of
their strength [God-Jesus is my life supply, my energy, my energy field, my
energy source]
“For theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
For theirs are the “treasures” of Heaven---God and all he/it
3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every
spiritual blessing in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3
We have finally come to the end of “me” so we have no choice
but to throw ourselves at and grasp around the knees of “Him”. There is nothing
else to do; nowhere else to go. We can finally truly plead: “Our Father, who
art in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:9) It is a beginning, a relationship, a deeper
recognition. The gates of God’s kingdom are thrown open wide, showing us all
the treasures it contains.
34 Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in
parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. 35 So
was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet:
Matthew 13:34,35
We are in a position to see the “things hidden since the
creation of the world.” We are at his feet seeing into heaven. Seeing the
treasures in a greater richness, a deeper life. We have lost enough of
ourselves that deep within a door opens---from the other side----inviting us to
come in. Beyond the gates of the current reality lies the deeper life----Do you
want it?
“My sacrifice, O God, is[a] a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise.” Psalms 51:17
a broken and contrite heart
you, God, will not despise.” Psalms 51:17
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