Jun - 2018
Why Do We Go Back to the States Most Summers?
We will leave on Thursday for our Stateside visit for the summer. Thus begins the same yearly migration that many, many overseas workers, especially teachers, do. It is part of the rhythm of life for us. When I was in countries where there were many things that we did not have I always knew a furlough was coming when I started to dream about Walmart and KFC. (Not proud of what my subconscious was telling me, but it was pretty persistent.) Such is not the case in China. I can go to a very nice Walmart anytime about 4 subway stops away from my apartment. I can bike to KFC within about 5 minutes. I always have McDonalds, Burger King, Dairy Queen, and Subway within striking distance. Pizza is also available. (No Taco Bell. I think someone should open a Taco Bell franchise here in China. I assume it would be quite lucrative. And although Chik-Fil-A might be quite marketable, I am not sure the philosophical stance would fit into things allowed into China.) There were certainly times I ...