Local Congregtions Update

Written on Jun 21, 2018

Just had a nice long visit with the gentleman who helps us find a place to hold our Friday night meetings.  He explained some of the pressures on his organization. He said there are about 1,000 people at the main meetings, which happen Saturday night, and 4 services the next day and then youth group. However, there are about 9 groups that meet in houses that also owe allegiance to the main body.  He said beside their group, there are about 20 groups of 500+ meeting in Beijing, and countless small groups. He said things are getting tighter for them. The government is calling individual members and telling them not to attend any longer. He said the government often talks to him. The landlord for the building they use for their large meetings is refusing to renew the contract. The pastor has told them that they are standing on the banks of the Red Sea and are waiting for our father to intervene. He said they were not in physical danger, but people were losing their jobs, and otherwise being harassed. He said the younger people were upset but also excited that now it is their turn to experience some of the persecution of the previous generations. A very different attitude than most of us would have, I think. He asked us to think of him and his group.


  1. Wow! I wonder how many of us in the USA are thankful for our meeting places that afford us the ability to comfortably meet together and to worship our Lord and Savior.

  2. I know. He was so matter of fact about it. His pastor's comparison to waiting to cross the Red Sea was also touching. And then the younger students who don't remember how bad it was previously being upset but also excited about being worthy to be persecuted: so convicting.


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