Last Friday Night Study, But Not by Choice

Written on Jun 8, 2018

We wanted to have Friday night study for 3 more weeks until we left for the States, but the office we have been using suddenly moved locations last week! That means that the only other choice that we can come up with for meetings is a café. Our church sponsors and uses this café and many weekly meetings are held there. However, this is for expats with expats. That is not who attends our Friday night study. It is just too questionable, even possibly dangerous for our students to go to such a public place for this.  There is that within me that immediately said, “The evil one has won this time.” We are up to the resurrection in John. The meetings have been very good, with much deep teaching, and now it is over at least until next fall. It is our experience that the same students do not show up each semester. But I know that the evil one never really wins. Our father always brings good on some level. We often do not ever know what that good is, but we are trusting that it is true this time.
