Pain in This World

Written on Jun 12, 2018

I sat last night crying with a friend from Ivory Coast.  She is a one of the many, many scholarshipped students here in China. Our international church has close to a majority of African students.  (One of the things we love about our church.) The little I know about the Ivory Coast comes from our time in Senegal. In 2002, about 90 young transfer students arrived at Dakar Academy overnight. There was a civil war in Ivory Coast that threatened a large boarding school and they were evacuated to Senegal. The brother of my friend here was just killed by one of the left -over gangs of teenage soldiers from Ivory Coast civil wars. She was devastated being separated from her family at this time as they mourned this believing young man.

I think too of the news this week of two celebrities who have committed suicide. Particularly Anthony Bourdain brought tears to my eyes. I was introduced to his program through Peter, our second son. Peter watched with nostalgic jealousy “Parts Unknown”, thinking of his childhood as a nomad. Mr. Bourdain brought us into truly out of the way places and did it with fun and grace. I recently read an article saying churches should treat people like Anthony Bourdain did. Having lived so many places, I did enjoy how he interacted. The pain that must have been there for this very successful man is overwhelming to me.

Then we have the announcement that we received this week from the State Department to US citizens in China:
“Health Alert
Location: Countrywide [China]

Event: The State Department received medical confirmation that a U.S. government employee in China suffered a medical incident consistent with what other U.S. government personnel experienced in Havana, Cuba. As a result of additional voluntary medical screenings, the Department has sent other individuals to the United States for further evaluation.

If you or members of your family experience any unusual, unexplained physical symptoms or events, auditory or sensory phenomena, or other health concerns, please contact your health care provider to determine whether a medical evaluation and/or treatment is advisable. Symptoms to be attentive for include dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, cognitive issues, visual problems, ear complaints and hearing loss, and difficulty sleeping.
Action to Take:
·         Do not attempt to locate the source of any unidentified auditory sensation. Instead, move to a different location.
·         If you have concerns about any symptoms or medical problems, consult a medical professional as soon as possible.”
Now, Guangzhou is almost 1,500 miles away, so there is no danger to us, but it is still disconcerting to think of this particular kind of threat and “pain in the world”.

I don’t have an answer at all. I know that it is our job to carry the burden of prayer for these heavy loads.
