Christian Young People and Social Justice

Written on Sep 10, 2018

Last night, we accompanied the Canadian short term group that was here for 4 days to the airport. I made 3 meals for 10 people. An accomplishment that I know my children will still not believe, particularly challenging without an oven and only 2 burners. I think maybe it takes more administrative ability to do this than actual cooking ability, in which I am limited. However, what I bring away from their visit is not about community and eating. It is rather about hearing these young people reporting their future plans and the support they have from their college.

Prairie College is in Three Hill, Alberta. Coincidentally I graduated from High School at Prairie in 1971. I only attended my senior year, but it was a life changing experience. It was a group of tremendously loving and commitment teachers and students. At that point Prairie Bible Institute was known as one of the very most conservative institutions in North America. We could not talk to people of the opposite sex, even if they were our siblings. We had separate staircases and sides of the room during classes. We not only had to wear dresses and nylons at all times, we also had to have our elbows covered if we were on the platform, and never, ever sleeveless, etc., etc. I have not followed the changes in Prairie over the years, so I questioned the students. The restrictions are no longer in place. The students said that the community churches had fully supported and even lead the changes in regulations and emphasis. However, the institutions has maintained its commitment to preparing students for Christian service. (Even the change in the name from “Prairie Bible Institute” to “Prairie College” was made so that students would more readily be able to carry their diplomas into “closed countries”.) This particular group of students are getting degrees in Christian global justice issues. They are on an 8 month trek, involving general travel, but also 6 month in various specific locations involving orphanages, English teaching, etc. The male team member will be dialoguing with men who are going to Bangkok to participate in the sex trade! 
I was so struck by the comparison between the commitment these students had and the emphasis of this Christian institutions, and the article I read yesterday which was entitled: 4400-pastors-have-signed-john-macarthurs-anti-social-justice-proclamation. ( I was sickened by the article….and encouraged by these students.
Now, I agree totally that our Good News is salvation through Jesus Christ, but Jesus so clearly cared for the whole person. His bottom-line-eternal message is the forgiveness of our sins, but he also healed, fed, counseled.  Matthew 25, James 2 We are eviscerating His actions and words, if we try to downplay or erase these aspects. 
I have many thoughts. Some of them revolve around Canadian/US differences, but I really have no idea if this is a realistic division. I also have no idea how many of our solid Christian colleges have equivalent degrees and emphases. I pray many, but have questions. I just know that God sent these students to encourage me as I mourn so much that is going on within our Christian movement.
