Economic Predominance

Written on Sep 18, 2018

We teach oral and written English at Beijing University (or PKU). This is the premier university in China, and maybe most of Asia. (Think Harvard, Yale, Oxford, etc.) I often feel that we are here under false pretenses. Yes, we have doctorates and have taught for 40 years, but our degrees are in special education and human behavior, not teaching English. Our life has been spent in very humble, (and fulfilling,) circumstances. We are not ambitious people. We sometimes look around and wonder how we ended up here. When we off-handedly mention to our friends in China that we teach at PKU, they are very, VERY impressed. We are not quite sure what to do with that because it is not how we have been lead in our journey up to this point.

I am reflecting on these things having just read an interesting article about the growing pre-eminence of China in the economic world: "What's happening with China's economy?" 

I am going to include an infograph:
The Countries With The Most STEM Graduates
 STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and math. It is a big push in education circles. Why this graph is interesting to me is because PKU would be a big part of this statistic. These are the students to whom we are teaching English. Wow. I don't have any deep thoughts about the overall significance of this. I just want to share what is happening in the world.....and the front row seats we have. Ask the Father for opportunities.
