The Great Wall
Written on Sep 8, 2018
Rick visited the Great Wall today. We have ridden under the
Wall, and have seen it from a car, but have not stood on it until now. (This is
a shameful admission. We have been in China for a year and a half. It takes an
hour on a bus to get to the wall. It is one of the marvels of the world….and we
have not visited it. We just are some of the worlds worse tourists, and have
trouble gearing ourselves up to spend the time and energy to do things like
this.) Rick accompanied our ERRC team leader and a group of 6 students from
Prairie Bible School in Alberta, Canada who are visiting us. This is the first
stop on their trip to 6 month assignments ranging from places in Africa to places
in the Far East. Truthfully, there have been very few times that we have
contact with short term teams. I know that I cannot do the walking necessary to
tour them around, but I can feed them. So I am feeding 10 people for the next 3
days. Good thing I have a crockpot and an instant pot. I can do this without
too much hassle.
Rick’s response to his visit to the Wall is that it was well
worth doing….once. He says it is extensive walking, all up hill. He is
exhausted and except for eating supper with the team has been in bed. The first
wall was started in 700 BC. The current wall dates from 1300’s AD. It stretches
about 5,000-13,000 miles and is about 27 feet high and 16 feet wide! The size
and erratic wanderings of the wall is hard to describe. The gradient at places on
top of the wall involves almost crawling on your hands and knees. The view is
spectacular. We have a friend here who
ran a half marathon on top of the Wall. Can you imagine being able to say
that!! So, we have lived at 10,000 feet in the heart of the Andes Mountains. We
have canoed on a tributary of the Amazon River. We have visited the largest
waterfall in the world, Victoria Falls. We have been in safari parks in Africa.
We have traveled down the Panama Canal. And now at least Rick, has been on the
Great Wall of China. What a life!
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