Wearing a Skirt to Church

Written on Oct 21, 2018

I made the mistake of wearing a skirt to church this morning. How can dressing nicely in a skirt be a mistake for church? Well, I thought it was moderately warmer, in the 40’s rather than 30’s this morning. I put on a long skirt, with my left knee brace that I wear all the time now. Then I added a pair of spandex knee length shorts and knee high boots. That only left my right knee bare technically. My left knee, which is bone-on-bone, and my right hip vie for which one is going to bother me the most. I have surgery schedule for my knee for Jan. 5 in PA, but I am withholding the final decision because I need to be sure I have enough recovery time for the 5 weeks I have in the US.  If I am just careful, life is doable.  However, biking is cold, and my arthritis is bad. I was in quite a bit of pain by the time I had gone the 2 miles to church. I brought my cane, but it was still hard to walk the block when I got to the hotel where our church is held. I told Rick if he saw me putting on a dress again before April to tell me to take it off. His response, “Even if we are out on the street?” I think he was kidding, but one never knows.

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  1. Sorry to hear you are bone on bone. I sure hope you can work surgery into your schedule!

  2. Just look at comments now, all of a sudden. I think I will probably do the hip.


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