Road to Indonesia---Senior Trip
I am reposting a fb post from a friend here. She is a mother of 7. I teach the grade 8 son, and Rick meets once a week with the grade 12 son to discuss Dostoyevsky, philosophy, whatever, for an independent study. Her husband is an airplane mechanic who keeps some of the planes up and running that transport missionaries into the villages . She homeschools the younger children until they are in high school or close to it and then they come to HIS, our school.
I teach 5 of the senior students going on the trip in my Brit Lit class. What special kids. They were so excited about this trip. I think it says quite a bit that everyone is completely comfortable sending 17 students with only the director and his wife as sponsors. These are really good kids. The plane ride is about 5 hours to the other end of Indonesia, which is no minor thing in itself. (I went to the neighboring zoo for my senior trip.)
Therefore we are all on Easter break, starting today, Good Friday. I got up this morning and made pizza (first time in about 30 years), and a pototo/cabbage/bacon(which turned out to be strips of beef instead) casserole. I would have made a white cake, but I am a bit worried about my egg availablity. The friends who take us to market every other week and where we buy our eggs, fruits, veggies, and some meat are down with covid. He is a pilot for the same mission as our other friend. I have other ways to get these things and will work it out soon. Of course even if we are not teaching our classes this week, we have our Chinese online essays and presentations. I am attempting to have a live online class next week with the Chinese classes. It is not working out quite like I had hoped, but I will keep working on it and I think an online live meeting of some sort will happen.
I have heard Christian music broadcast all day outside, I assume, because it is Good Friday and if you have a Muslim call to prayer broadcast 5 times a day, why not Christian music. Sometimes it has even been in English, but this time I can just tell it is Christian because the music are hymns that I know. We will celebrate Easter with our church here. Life is good.

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