Road to Indonesia---Evangelizing
Such a thrilling missionary story as relayed in church today that I just had to share it:
The missionary who works with the Nagi tribe had an emergency that he had helped with. A boy had been shot in the eye with a pellet gun. (His comment was "Yes, you can 'shoot your eye out', but I feel badly saying it that way because it is so serious.") The pellet is still lodged in one of the canals behind the eye and they are trying to get him to Jakarta for more advanced help. While the missionary was talking to the father, child, and one of the father's nephews this morning before the missionary came to church, they read about the rich young ruler's rejection of Christ. The father had previously expressed his concern about the salavation of the nephew to the missionary. As they read the Bible this morning, the father said, "Yes, the rich young ruler rejected the Trail Blazer. He was following other things." The father then spent 45+ minutes starting in with Adam and Eve, and going through Abraham,Moses, etc. to the death and resurrection of Christ, explaining the Christian message to the nephew. The missioanry was just dumbfounded to hear this man, who can barely read and lives deep in the jungle, so accurately and passionately evangelizing another member of his Nagi tribe. Storying the Gospel works.
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