Road to Indonesia---The Dem People
Written on Apr 5, 2021
At our church the last few weeks, there has been the consistent prayer request for the Dem people. Some of the missions follow a rather strict program that starts in Genesis and goes through the stories of the Bible so that when they come to the Salvation story of Jesus' death it makes sense and is in perspective. This week is to be the highlight: the resurrection story. Of course nothing is ever easy. The prayer request on Easter was for the family who works with the Dem. Their elementary age son was showing symptoms of appenticitis. They were praying for guidance of whether they needed to fly him out of the village or if they should treat with antibiotics and who should go with him if needed, etc. etc. I do not know what the current decision is, but this was just posted in Face Book as a follow up about storying with the Dem. PTL
Angie van Rensburg is with Dylan van Rensburg.
The best news....
For the last 7 years, Eriak has been faithfully helping Dylan, first with language study and now with Bible translation and lesson writing as well. He's been checking the lessons with Dylan ahead of time and today they reviewed next Monday's gospel lesson. We are thrilled to report that Eriak has put his faith in Jesus Christ! After going through the lesson, he said, "I believe that Jesus' blood paid for my sins. I can't and no one or nothing else can save me, but Jesus can and has saved me." He said that he had actually started to believe in Jesus last month when they went over the lesson that said that Jesus was the way to God, but he was waiting for this 'big talk' that Dylan said was coming, He said, "This is it. This is the main talk that we've all been waiting for." Dylan told him that if he really believes this talk, then he is in God's family and they are brothers with the same Father. He was really excited about that
Praise the Lord for drawing Eriak to himself!! We are praying that this is just the beginning and that many more Dem people will follow next Monday when they, too hear the good news! Please keep praying!

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