Feb - 2021
Road to Indonesia---Mountain out my window
At last a picture!!! New people who just moved into the apartment below us posted this picture and I stole it. Every morning walking to school, this is what I look at. The white in the middle is a waterfalls. It waxes and wanes with the rain. Lately it has been pretty full and we can predict what it will look like in the morning after listening to the hours of heavy rain in the night. If you expanded the picture out you would see the top of mountain. Kids have told me if I climbed to the top and climbed a tree I could see the Pacific Ocean. (But the director advised me I would never make it to the top myself.) There is a huge mud slide coming about halfway down. That happened 2 years ago in March. The students talk about it alot because there were many deaths and much loss of property as a result of the mud slide. It basically missed the school, but devasted the town of Sentani. As the anniversary approaches and we again face a season of ...