Road to Indonesia---Motorscooters, Massages, Beds, and Visas

Written on Feb 19, 2021

 Took our first motorscooter ride into the actual downtown.  Rick did great, but I felt pretty skittish perched on the back. How did I used to do this in Taiwan with the two girls in front and behind me?  Part of the problem is that my legs don't bend sufficiently to fit on the foot rests, so they are just hanging out there flapping in the wind. I am sure I will get used to it because it means more independence. 

We were disgruntled to arrive at the massage place and be told that the price was double what it was last week.  Of course we could not communicate. I made like I was going to leave to see if they were just scamming us, but they did not back down. So we went ahead.  It was $20 apiece for 2 hours this week, rather than $10 apiece. I think we are OK with even this price.   I particularly needed it. My back has been spasiming for the past 3 days and really pretty debilitating. Of course it has felt better today as I anticipated a massage. Usually I would just go to the chiropractor, but I have not even tried to find one. Even a hospital and most medical care is almost an hour away.  

With my back being funny, I did not need the slats to fall out from under the bed last night at about 3 a.m. The bed did not fall, but every move made a screeching noise. We could not tell how to fix it in the middle of the night. Rick moved to the couch.  Today after his classes he crawled around under the bed to figure out what happened and he was able to fix it. Thank goodness. 

We are trying to extend our visas for Indonesia and for a work visa we are to have our marraige and birth certificates. Where in the world are they? I think maybe in our apartment in China...maybe.  I guess the school opted for a 6 months extension of our consultant visa and thinking about how to get all the stuff. Ugh.
