Road to Indonesia-- Chinese Bank Account

Written on Jan 15, 2021

 This morning we got a message from our ERRC director. The Chinese consulate in NYC has not accepted our paperwork to send to China to release our money from the Chinese bank! You know, all that money that has been accruing since last January? The paperwork that we have agonized over for a year? The one we made a hurried trip from SC to PA to have the PA Secretary of State sign and hand deliver to us? Yeah, that paperwork. It looks like somehow one of the papers got turned around when we were having them notarized, and I signed Rick's, and Rick's signed mine. So it is our own fault, but I am having trouble imagining how we did that, and why the notary did not pick it up.  But however confusing it is, it means that we can do nothing more now until June when we are back in the States and can redo all of the paperwork and start again.  Of course, by then the person we hoped could go to the bank for us in China might be on furlough in the States, and maybe the regs have changed, as they did in early December, etc. etc. We did finally agree just now to have Peking University rescind our resident status and label us as online overseas teachers. Then they can forward the spring semester salary directly to our US bank account. But we are paying 1/3 of the salary as taxes, which is quite a bit of money we will lose, but at least we should actually get it.  I do not understand why all of this is happening and has been blocked for over a year now. It is ALOT  of money, at least by our standards. Does our Father just want us to depend on Him and not some bank account? Of course that is true, but I don't think we have ever been moneygrubbing or lacked faith in God's provision.  Is the Archangel Michael still wrestling with Satan on some cosmic plane and being delayed, or is the Accuser requesting to "sift" us as he did Job? I don't see how we warrant that kind of attention, either in a positive or negative way.  I am profoundly grateful for the Lord's conitnued provision and abundance even as we have processed this year. We also love, love, love, where we have ended up here at Hillcrest in Indonesia. But it still is pretty easy to ask "why"? And I don't have an answer. Although this is distressing on some levels, on other levels it really does not matter. 
