Road to Indonesia--Water and Phones

Written on Jan 22, 2021

 A neighbor, and new friend, came to our door tonight to tell us that they just tested the water on campus and we cannot drink it any more until they "fix" it. We need to immediately start boiling it. (So we boiled two really big pots of water for 10 minutes each. We have lived this way many times, so it is a pain, but no really big deal.) But they will also completely turn off the water at 8 on Saturday night and inject chlorine into the line. Then we are to turn it on at 9 p.m. and run it until we smell the chlorine. Then we are to turn everything off at least over night and maybe for a day or more, while the chlorine cleans the pipes. Then we should be OK.  Sooo, we also pulled out 3 big buckets of water to sit near the toilets and to make sure that we can at least wash down even if we cannot have a shower. This is aggravation, but doable. If it "fixes" it and we can go back to drinking water right out of the tap, then we will gladly do it. It can't be too bad, though. We have been using it just like we would in the States.  ....but again our system after all these years on all these continents can probably sanitize whatever we put into it.

I also asked the neighbor why she knew this info and we had no idea about it. The answer is that the communication had come through the school's What'sapp.  We have not a phone since we arrived in Indonesia.  We keep our US phone with the US SIM card so we are ready to go without a hassle as soon as we are back in the States. We have been saving our Chinese phone with a Chinese SIM card for a year. But are trying to convert it to Indonesian SIM card now. But phones here need to be registered with the government and we have the wrong kind of visa for that. (I really don't know what kind of visa we have. Maybe a consultant visa? What would that be? The school office has had our passports for a week or more trying to extent the 2 week visa to 6 months.)  So they are registering our phone under some one else's name, ...I think.  Some people would go crazy without a phone, but we have not even noticed its absence.
